Sunday, January 16, 2011

my new favorite breakfast...

Sometimes I'm going to post things I eat... sometimes you get pictures. Today is your lucky day!

Mmmm. The South in My Mouth!

1 package of instant cheese grits
1 large egg
170 calories
6 fat grams

Egg substitute variation: Watching cholesterol? Use 1/4 cup of egg substitute instead - knocks it down to...
130 calories
1.5 fat grams

Add a little salty, meaty  goodness! Like your bacon but "it's soooo fattening!" - Get center cut bacon - it's only 25 calories a piece - make sure to drain it on a paper towel, crumble over the bowl with 1 serving of egg beaters and you have a meal of grits, egg substitute and bacon for ONLY...
155 calories
3.5 fat grams

I try not to eat a lot in the mornings, because I know I am a night-time snack-a-holic. When you know this about yourself it makes it a lot easier to "save up" your calories until later in the day. Therefore, to get my metabolism going and really give myself a punch of protein and carbs I have been eating this for breakfast several days a week. For my schedule, I keep breakfast (on calorie counting days- more about that later) to 150-180 calories. I don't watch fat as much because frankly, most everything I eat - vegetables, fruits, low-calorie bread, chicken, fish, etc... doesn't have very much fat to start with.

Tip: Think of your calories as cash. When cash is in your wallet you are less likely to spend it on something unless you reeeaalllyyy want it... Therefore, spend your calories wisely, whether you are allotting yourself 1,200 or 1,800 make sure what you choose will fill you up and keep you going. When faced with a 100-calorie pack of Oreo crisps (for a mere 8-10 bites) or a medium sized 100 calorie apple which one will fill you up longer and give you more of a "bite satisfaction"??

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