Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fast & Ultra Easy Veggies

Maybe you got home from work and you've had a long day, you're tired, you want something healthy but you don't want another pot of steamed vegetables.

The oven is a magical thing, it makes vegetables taste... sweeter, nuttier, and adds no calories!

There has been a little debate lately over what is better and more nutritional: frozen or fresh...
The grand conclusion has been that frozen veggies really aren't less nutritional than fresh, and in fact, depending on how long it has been sitting in your grocery store may even be more nutrient packed since it's flash frozen at the peak of freshness. (now I sound like a commercial)

The best thing in my opinion about frozen veggies... the price! Much cheaper for all us out there on a tight budget, and who isn't these days?

So here's what you do:

Get your favorite frozen (or fresh) veggies, toss them in a pan or casserole dish (like a 9"x13") and spray them with a little olive oil and season with salt, and/or pepper, maybe a few garlic cloves and roast at 350 degrees for about 20-30 minutes (depending on how much you've thrown in the pan).
Every 8 minutes or so flip the veggies around so they get browned on all sides. No water necessary!

Some of my favorite combinations are:
cauliflower and broccoli
brussel sprouts with a few slices of center cut bacon (chopped and raw)
peppers (red, green, yellow) with zucchini, yellow squash and garlic

It's soooo easy. throw it in the pan, and walk away!

1 comment:

  1. Good tip! I'll have to start remembering this one!
