Monday, February 7, 2011

Some like it hot...

If you're like me, and you like spicy foods here's some great news. I've been reading (as I usually do) about nutrition tips, fitness, healthy eats, etc. and I stumbled on some information about how spicy foods... can boost your metabolism... at least, temporarily. So bring on the heat!

I also found a list of natural foods to help boost your metabolism from an article on


Because grapefruit is high in fiber, it is an effective metabolism booster. Fiber speeds up your metabolism because it is difficult for your body to digest, so you are forced to eliminate it and the fat it contains fairly quickly after consuming it.



Fiber-rich foods also help you feel full faster, which causes you to eat less. Apples are another high-fiber food that can boost your metabolism naturally.



Because they are low in fat and full of protein, beans can help you feel full for long periods of time. According to, your body also has to burn additional calories to process this fiber-rich food.


Jalapenos reports that the capsaicin contained in jalapenos causes your body to burn additional calories for hours after you eat them and speeds up both your metabolism and your heart rate.



Like jalapenos, curry increases the amount of calories you can burn, which boosts your overall metabolism.



The nutrients contained in broccoli make it an effective food to speed up your metabolism. These nutrients include calcium, which triggers your metabolism, and vitamin C, which helps your body to absorb more calcium.


Oatmeal states that your body takes a long time to break down the fiber found in oatmeal, which boosts your metabolism while lowering your body's overall insulin (or sugar) level.



Cinnamon can not only help your body metabolize sugars more effectively, but it can also help you sustain steadier blood sugar levels and even lower your cholesterol.



According to, spinach can speed up your metabolism and also provide you with an excellent source of magnesium, potassium, antioxidants, vitamin C and iron.


Yogurt needs a lot of energy to be properly processed due to the large amount of protein it contains. The pro-biotic cultures contained in yogurt can help regulate your digestive tract as well.

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