Sunday, September 11, 2011

Aerobic Exercise... it's got all the good stuff and none of the bad...

Since I've been studying my ISSA I've been learning lots of interesting facts about how fitness aids in healthy living... These are some of my favorites about aerobic exercise specifically...

1. Aerobic exercise burns body fat -  you can burn up to 1000 calories an hour depending on the type and intensity of the activity.

2. Research indicates that for every hour you spend exercising aerobically, you extend your life two hours.

3. Aerobic exercise aids in relieving depression - naturally.

4. Studies have found that men and women who exercise are less likely to get colon cancer. Conversely, women who do not exercise have more than two and one-half times the risk of developing cancer of the reproductive system and almost twice the chance of getting breast cancer.

5. Aerobic exercise improves sleep quality and mental sharpness.

6. It reduces the risk of heart disease.

If these six reasons aren't enough to get your butt movin' I don't know what is!

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